The sterilization of dental, medical, beauty, or veterinary instruments requires high quality clean demineralized water. Tap or drinking water can contain a range of minerals and using this water directly in the autoclave can result in deposits, particularly calcium carbonate, within the autoclaves internal systems, on the autoclave chamber surface and also on the instruments being sterilized. This in turn can accelerate instrument wear. Implementing an effective water treatment procedure not only protects your instruments but also your autoclave investment.
The Aqua Pro+ is a 5 stage water filtration system that can provide our practice with up to 285 litres of filtered water daily. All Prestige Medical autoclaves can be configured for a range of manual or automatic water feed and drain options. Aqua Pro+ matches that flexibility and can be fitted to the autoclave, to the wall or used as a stand-alone device.
The resin cartridges are cost effective, lightweight and easily changed by practice personnel using the cartridge key provided.
Aqua Pro+ comes complete comes with an integrated water quality meter system. This checks both the incoming water and the filtered water quality for complete peace of mind